Accepted Races

General Changes to Races:

Race Reflavoring

When it comes to flavoring races, we are very flexible. For example, if you want to play a Bear, we could reflavor a Goliath or Firbolg to be a Bear, but with the same stats. Please consult a DM to have these changes reviewed. Bear in mind, these changes can confer no mechanical benefits. 



Pallid Elf Subrace Addition




Ages for Races

The following races have these parameters for their aging.

List of Accepted Races:

Note: All races must use the most up to date version of them. In most cases this will be the Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse version. 

Homebrew Races can be found here.,1,creature%20type,0 (Link to the races in MotM)

Embris Approved Races