Eberron: Rising from the Last War

All backgrounds from this book are approved.

All races from this book are approved except for the following:

Dwarf (Mark of Warding)

Elf (Mark of Shadow)

Gnome (Mark of Scribing)

Half-Elf (Mark of Detection)

Half-Elf (Mark of Storm)

Half-Orc (Mark of Finding)

Halfing (Mark of Healing)

Halfing (Mark of Hospitality)

Human (Mark of Finding)

Human (Mark of Handling)

Human (Mark of Making)

Human (Mark of Passage)

Human ( Mark of Sentinel)

The Aberrant Dragonmark Feat is approved.

All items except the following are approved:

Kyrzin’s Ooze

Living Armor

Ventilating Lungs

We do not use the Optional "Greater Aberrant Powers" portion of the Aberrant Dragonmark feat.