
Skill Expert

Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter


Gunner has been changed to the following:

You have a quick hand and keen eye when employing firearms, granting you the following benefits:

Magic Initiate

The Magic Initiate feat allows for the spells learned to be cast using their appropriate slots, no longer requiring a long rest to cast it again.

Vital Sacrifice

The Vital Sacrifice feat has been changed to only allow one blood boon at a time.

Unracelocked Feats

The following feats no longer have a racial prequisite:
-Drow High Magic

-Fade Away

-Fey Teleportation

-Flames of Phlegethos

-Infernal Constitution


-Revenant Blade

-Second Chance

-Wood Elf Magic

The following homebrew feats are available: